Introducing Strong Starts™ Plus: a selection of one-year-old peat plugs suitable for those new to planting and more experienced growers alike.
We are taking even more of the guesswork out for our customers by offering some seedling varieties in bigger plug sizes. A bigger plug size means more room for roots, which helps optimize growth. As a rule of thumb, “more roots means more shoots,” meaning that the more established the root system is, the more likely that you’ll have faster growth and higher survivability. More roots could also mean that your plant reaches maturity faster, resulting in less time waiting for your plants to bear fruit!
We strive to offer our customers the right plant for their project. We sell high-value plants to make every project a success. Smaller plugs for easier high-volume planting, (such as shelterbelts, and tree farming) or the option of bigger plugs that are more than three times the size, to help kick start lower-volume landscaping projects.
Here are a few examples to show our Strong Starts™ Plus plug sizing. Two plants of the same great variety, but each grown to fulfill different needs!

For the 2022 season, we are offering this option for White Spruce, Colorado Blue Spruce, Common Purple Lilac, Villosa Lilac, and Northline Saskatoon.
You can find more details on Strong Starts™ Plus availability and pricing on our website
If you have questions give us a call at 1 844 873 3700!
Happy growing!